Tipping Point PA

A documentary about the fight for democracy

Mary Haverstick • director, DP, editor
Tipping Point PA is Mary's fifth feature film, placing her in the company of very few other women to have tackled five. Mary directed Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden in her indie drama HOME (2009) and featured Liam Neeson in her documentary THE LAST HORSEMEN OF NEW YORK (2018). But she's now taking on a topic in her own backyard, the political struggle in the Tipping Point state that will determine the fate of democracy in the nation and beyond. Mary is also an accomplished author. Her debut book A WOMAN I KNOW (Crown Publishing) made Barnes and Noble's Best Literary Non-Fiction list for 2023.

Michele Mercure • composer, producer
Michele Mercure is a groundbreaking composer and pioneer of electronic music who currently has three collections in release with RVNG, Intl. records. In 2019, Michele completed a European mini-tour of her latest work, after which she began production on Tipping Point PA.
Michele previously produced the indie feature HOME (2009) starring Marcia Gay Harden and worked with Mary producing the documentary THE LAST HORSEMEN OF NEW YORK (2018), with Freestyle Media. Michele is currently composing the Tipping Point score and holds an FAA commercial drone pilot's license.